You are an Eternal Being on an Epic Journey
You were made for more than just this life. God has placed eternity in your heart. Life in this world is simply the beginning of your eternal journey. This all-consuming journey will test you, teach you, provoke you and bless you.
Look Beyond the World You See to Discover True Life

Each life is bound by its own habits and routines. These are the things that keep our thoughts focused on the moments before us, but can also keep us distracted from the life intended for us.
It may be difficult to imagine life outside of your routines. The daily grind keeps us so focused we may not even wonder if there is more to life than this. Our distractions also prevent us from seeing humanity in its truest and most beautiful form. Sincere acts of love, kindness, self-sacrifice and forgiveness are the expression of life we are called to live.
You have been made in God’s image. This is a truth of the universe that goes back to the beginning when God said, “Let Us make Man in Our image.” Time has clouded this truth.
You must learn again to see God in you. You must search to uncover the true journey that is before you.
The impact of each life is revealed in their story
There are two facts that we can establish as truth. We all have a beginning and we all have an ending. The beginning is usually filled with joy and the end too often with sorrow. What fills the time between those two points in a person’s life is as varied as there are people.
The time between birth and death is each person’s story but not necessarily their “story”. That is, the story that is left behind for posterity could be far different than the life they have lived.

Take the thief on the cross for example. He clearly lived a life that earned him the title “thief” and a crucifixion next to Jesus Christ. Those who knew him most likely agreed he deserved the sentence of death. But it was the last hours of his life that defined him for all time. This thief realized that he was suffering justly for his crimes while Jesus suffered unjustly. His faith was revealed when he said to Jesus, “Lord, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”
Jesus rewarded his expression of faith by telling him, “Today, you will be with me in Paradise.” Luke 23:43
May we find encouragement in our journey together

We all need a cheering section. Far too often we are beaten down with critical words of condemnation. We are told that we are no good and can never be better; failures who will never succeed. The world is full of negative words used to knock us down. No matter who you are there is always someone ready to lay you low with words.
Will you recognize that we are on this journey of life together? If so, then let us discover new ways to encourage each other while it is still called “today’, before the veil of this life is lifted.
What is vale removed?
Vale Removed is a search to find God in the lives of men, women and children. It is an attempt to look past the distractions of the world we see to find the world we don’t see and better understand the truths of God.
Vale Removed is also your cheering section. We want to fuel your “inner” light. Where the world points out your faults, we recognize your achievements. Not the external achievements of climbing a corporate ladder but those things that are deeper. The internal achievements of your faith and humanity.
What is the story that each life leaves behind?
What will your story say when you are gone?