Tell Me, Noah

Image by Greg Reese from Pixabay

Tell me, Noah, did your friends and neighbors believe when you told them God loves them?  Did they believe when you told them their behavior was wrong?  When you told them to have a soft heart toward their fellow man, did they care?

Tell me, Noah, did your friends and neighbors believe when you told them lying, cheating and stealing were wrong?  When you told them not to sexually abuse children, did they stop?  How about murder? Did they stop taking innocent life or were their hearts too hard to stop?

Did they believe when you said God made them male and female?  And when you said marriage is between a man and a woman, was their response loving?

Tell me, Noah, did your friends and neighbors believe there would be a great flood?  Did they believe the world would come to an end?

Well, they won’t believe me either.

They won’t believe when I tell them that Jesus Christ loves them.

They won’t believe when I tell them they are eternal beings made in the image of God.

They won’t believe when I say that Jesus Christ wants to walk with them and help them through this life.

They won’t believe when I say He came to this earth as a man to offer up His life willingly to pay the price for sin so that they could have eternal life with Him and all they have to do is simply believe in Him and what He has done.

How did it feel, Noah, when you entered the Ark, knowing that all your beloved friends and neighbors, people you had known for 500 years, were outside when God closed the door of the Ark?

What thoughts went through your head, what pain went through your heart, knowing that the people you cared about would not be with you any longer because they rejected the voice of truth?

Tell me, Noah, did you cry?

Tell me, Noah, did you secretly search for survivors even though you knew it was impossible to survive outside the Ark? Did you seek the remains of those you loved when the Ark finally rested on dry ground?

That day you were drunk, was it because of grief at the loss of everyone you knew and cared about?

Tell me, Noah, did you feel alone?  The only ones left were you, your wife, your sons and their wives.  There was no other life on earth except what came with you.

Tell me, Noah, do you think your friends finally believed when the rains came and wouldn’t stop?  Do you think they finally understood when they saw the Ark floating, knowing you were safe inside?  Knowing that everything you told them was coming true?  Did they believe then?

Tell me, Noah, how long did your neighbors and friends watch you building the ark?  How long did they have to make the choice to believe?

Tell me, Noah, when is it too late to believe? I would trust you to know.

I guess some people just have to learn the hard way.  They say that hindsight is 20/20.  Tell that to Noah’s friends and neighbors.  We need a little 20/20 foresight.

What does it take to look past the world into eternity and discover that Jesus Christ is real?  That everything history says about Him is accurate?  That what the Bible says, is true?

“For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah. For as in those day which were before the flood they were eating and drinking, they were marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so shall the coming of the Son of Man be.” Matthew 24:37-39 NASB