There will be a day when the righteous shine forth, when all that we have learned will not be held back.
There will be a day when we shine like the sun in the kingdom of our Father and never have to hide our faith again.
There will be a day when we can rest from our labors, when the hidden treasure will be redeemed.
There will be a day when the voice we have heard in the quiet place will speak with us face to face,
But it is not today.
Today we must remember the Word, book, chapter, and verse.
Today we must remember the truths we have learned through sleepless nights and diligent seeking.
Today we must remember our past and the mighty deeds of God which changed the course of our lives.
Today we must remember the lost and understand their need.
For it was not so long ago that we stood in their shoes.
It was not so long ago that we clung to their beliefs.
It was not so long ago that we could not fathom faith and the eyes of our heart were dim with blindness.
It was not so long ago that we did not understand, that peace, love, and life were found in One place.
There will be a day when the blinded heart will say, too late!
There will be a day when regrets gnaw the heart and the pain can’t be soothed.
There will be a day when darkness can never be lifted again.
There will be a day when the lost cannot be found and will be gone forever.
So, while it is still called today, be patient with others.
While it is still called today, be understanding of others.
While it is still called today, be forgiving of others.
While it is still called today, love others, showing them what you have learned,
Through a life set as example for all to see.
Through a life that shines as a lamp upon a hill.
Through a life dedicated to the One who saved us.
Through a life forged in the Refiner’s fire.
There will be a day when the righteous shine forth, when all that we have learned will not be held back.
There will be a day when we shine like the sun in the kingdom of our Father and we never have to hide our faith again.
There will be a day when we can rest from our labors, when the hidden treasure will be redeemed.
There will be a day when the voice we have heard in the quiet place will speak with us face to face,
But let’s not go alone.