The Tides of Heaven

Image by Quang Nguyen vinh from Pixabay

Ocean tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the sun and moon.  While we see the sun and moon, we don’t directly see their effect on the ocean.  We take it on faith that their gravitational pull creates the tidal waves we see by starting in the middle of the ocean and making their way to the shore morning and night.

It is the same with heaven.  We don’t see the pull of heaven on our lives but it is there.

Tides are very long waves that move across the oceans. They are caused by the gravitational forces exerted on the earth by the moon, and to a lesser extent, the sun. When the highest point in the wave, or the crest, reaches a coast, the coast experiences a high tide. When the lowest point, or the trough, reaches a coast, the coast experiences a low tide.”1

What are the tides of heaven?  The idea is simple.  Just as we see don’t see gravity, we do see its effects on the oceans.  We don’t see heaven, but we can see its effects on people’s lives.  All it takes is paying attention and just a little faith and we will be able to see the tidal effect of heaven on those lives.

Heaven affects countless lives every day, but we either aren’t involved in those lives or are not paying attention.  Life is busy and too often, if someone in our sphere of life is touched by heaven, we are inclined to believe it is a coincidence.  And the reality is, who is teaching us to see heaven’s signs?  If you saw a miracle or the effect heaven had on a person, would you believe that is from heaven?

We right things off, finding earthly excuses because we don’t understand what we just witnessed.

My mother taught me to see evidences of heaven and the unseen world.  At first, there were simple things, like dreams that came true, or the morning she was delayed and late to work.  That morning, she missed being in an accident because of the delay.

I learned to see that there is no such thing as a coincidence.  A coincidence is an effect of the unseen world.  As an adult, I realize there are many things I never understood as a younger man and wrote off as coincidence.  Now I see those “coincidences” speaking to me.

It is the words of a song, spoken at the exact moment I needed to hear it.  The same goes for words from a friend or person spoken that changed my decision and made a huge difference in my life.  There are words of encouragement and direction we receive at the perfect moment we either need them or are ready to listen to them.

Miracles are another tide of heaven.  You may or may not believe in miracles, but they happen.  And with miracles, we do see their effect on the people who experience them. If you think that miracles are a coincidence, then how many coincidences does it take before it is a miracle?

If you don’t believe in miracles, then let me tell you that no amount of disbelief in miracles will stop them.  Disbelief is a personal problem.  Generally speaking, we are not taught to believe in things we can’t see or touch.  And yet, you can’t see or touch gravity but still believe in it.

Then there are the end-of-life experiences.  It is very common for those where death is imminent to see either loved ones who have passed away, angels, or other visions.  I am no expert on these, but I have seen them happen in my own life.

Before my aunt passed away, she saw her father, my grandfather, who had been gone for almost 30 years.

A friend related a story about her father passing then coming to her uncle before he passed.

In surgery, my mother died briefly and saw golden, warm, and vibrant colors as well as people, before coming back to her own body.

We don’t see gravity, but we do see its effect on ocean tides.

In just the same way, we don’t see heaven, but we do see its effects on the people in our lives.

Jesus Christ came from heaven to speak to His creation and tell them the path to heaven was broken.  We don’t just get into heaven when we die.  We need to believe in Him and His sacrifice on the cross to get to heaven.

2,000 years ago, Jesus said to the people of His time, “Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father in Me, or else believe Me for the sake of the works themselves.” John 14:11 It is past time to believe in Jesus Christ and surrender your heart to the knowledge of Him.

If you resolutely refuse to believe in Jesus Christ, instead seeking after worldly truths, then I need to tell you that is a dead end.  Like the deep magic in C.S. Lewis “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe,” there is deep truth in the universe that we do not know about, but still exists.  Do not seek after earthly truth, trying to find heavenly truths. 

Seek Jesus Christ.  Ask Him if He is real and if heaven is real.  He will reveal heavenly truths to you if you give Him a chance.

May the tides of heaven lead you to Jesus Christ and eternal life in heaven with Him.
