Category: Encouraging

  • I Say to You, Arise!

    I Say to You, Arise!

    Image by lmaresz from Pixabay

    There was no doubt about it.  He was dead.  Laying in the coffin, being carried by the pallbearers, his mother followed the procession.  A great many friends accompanied her as she mourned the death of her only son.

    Who knows when her husband had passed.  It didn’t matter.  Now she was alone with no family left, to live out her days in solitude even though her heart’s desire was for a family to share those days with.  And maybe one day have grandchildren or even great-grandchildren accompany her to the veil that closes this life and opens the next.

    But this journey she hoped for was only a dream, and now it was too late to recreate it.  Her dream was as dead as her son and husband, which only made her son’s passing more difficult.  He carried her hopes through the veil before her.  She would go to him, but he would not return to her.  Or so she thought.

    As this mother was going to lay her son to rest, a Man came up to her and the coffin bearing her son.  Touching the coffin, the Man stood there, a great multitude with Him and said to her, “Do not weep.”

    This Man was none other than Jesus Christ.  He saw the procession carrying her son’s body out of the city to bury him and in typical Jesus’ style, He felt compassion for this woman who had suffered the loss of her husband and son.

    As the pallbearers came to a halt, Jesus spoke to the dead man and said, “Young man, I say to you, arise!”  The dead man sat up and began to speak, then Jesus gave him back to his mother.

    The Gospels are filled with stories of how Jesus Christ filled the hungry, healed the sick and raised the dead.  The apostle, John wrote, “And there are also many other things that Jesus did, which if they were written one by one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written. Amen.” John 21:25 Clearly, Jesus Christ was busy while He was here on earth and His works clearly demonstrate His compassion for people.

    Why did Jesus Christ come to the earth in the form of a Man?  To save you and I and all the people of His creation.  The path to heaven was broken by the sin of Adam, the very first man who lived.  Jesus Christ came to repair that path to heaven.  And that path is restored.  All we must do is believe in Jesus Christ and what He has done.

    The apostle, Paul said, “if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.  For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.  For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.” Romans 10:9-11

    Be not unbelieving but BELIEVE!

    Now it happened, the day after, that He went into a city called Nain; and many of His disciples went with Him, and a large crowd.  And when He came near the gate of the city, behold, a dead man was being carried out, the only son of his mother; and she was a widow.  And a large crowd from the city was with her.  When the Lord saw her, He had compassion on her and said to her, “Do not weep.”  Then He came and touched the open coffin, and those who carried him stood still. And He said, “Young man, I say to you, arise.”  So he who was dead sat up and began to speak. And He presented him to his mother.

    Then fear came upon all, and they glorified God, saying, “A great prophet has risen up among us;” and, “God has visited His people.”  And this report about Him went throughout all Judea and all the surrounding region.

  • Too Busy for Dinner?

    Too Busy for Dinner?

    Photo by Marcus Winkler

    There is a story in the Bible in the book of Luke that tells of a man who threw a great dinner party. This man was very generous and invited many people but when the day came for the party and everything was prepared, that is when the excuses started coming in.

    How many times have you thrown a party only to have people back out at the last minute? Well, this time the excuses were probably different than the ones you received. One guy said that he bought five yoke of oxen and asked to be excused so that he could test them. Another guy bought some land and wanted to go see it so he asked to be excused.

    One by one each person invited chose not to come to this man’s dinner party. As you can expect, the man was hurt and angry, so he told his employees to go out and tell every person good and bad about his dinner party, which they did and eventually filled the man’s house with guests.

    The story is an analogy, so what’s the point of the story? Each of us has been invited to dine with Jesus Christ when this life is over. That invitation has come to us in the form of simply believing that Jesus Christ came to the earth 2000 years ago and lived as a man, willingly offering up His life to pay the price for sin that we could never pay.

    My choice and yours is whether we believe Him or not. No one is going to force you to believe, but like those who asked to be excused from this man’s invitation to dinner, if you choose not to believe then your name will be removed from the guest list just as the others who were invited and chose not to come.

    When the final day comes, it will be natural for those who rejected Jesus Christ in this life to want to enter His house, because in hindsight they will see the truth of all that they have been told.  They will come to Him and ask to enter, but will not be allowed in.  If you threw a dinner party, would you let total strangers in to your house?  I don’t think so.

    The Book of Revelation says, “He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments, and I will not blot out his name from the Book of Life; but I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels.” Revelation 3:5 The Book of Life is the guest list for the Supper of the Lamb. It stands to reason that if a person’s name will not be blotted out from the list then there must be some whose names will be blotted out.

    Let’s drive this down a little deeper. Surely you can see that we aren’t just talking about some casual dinner party. We are discussing the final leg in our epic journey of life. It is that part of life that we will not see until this life is over. Only then will the next life become visible. There are testimonies of the next life that we can see if we are paying attention. Things like miracles are a witness that God exists and there is more to our lives than what we see.

    I don’t want to make this more complicated that it really is. The choice is simple. Do we believe in Jesus Christ or not? Do we believe that He came 2000 years ago, born in a stable in Bethlehem to a virgin named Mary, who lived a perfect life and was crucified on a cross to pay the price for sin that separates us from God and Heaven?

    Will your name be on the guest list? I pray you choose to believe.

    “A certain man gave a great supper and invited many, 17 and sent his servant at supper time to say to those who were invited, ‘Come, for all things are now ready.’ 18 But they all with one accord began to make excuses. The first said to him, ‘I have bought a piece of ground, and I must go and see it. I ask you to have me excused.’ 19 And another said, ‘I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I am going to test them. I ask you to have me excused.’ 20 Still another said, ‘I have married a wife, and therefore I cannot come.’ 21 So that servant came and reported these things to his master. Then the master of the house, being angry, said to his servant, ‘Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in here the poor and the maimed and the lame and the blind.’ 22 And the servant said, ‘Master, it is done as you commanded, and still there is room.’ 23 Then the master said to the servant, ‘Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled. 24 For I say to you that none of those men who were invited shall taste my supper.’ ” Luke 14:16-24

  • A Story Worth Telling

    A Story Worth Telling

    She was 16 when they married.  He was 22.  Laurel’s parents supported their marriage but it was difficult for them not having their daughter at home.  Looking back on her life, Laurel would say that getting married was one of her better decisions.

    Married life started out with the hope and promise of building a life and family together.  They wasted no time.  Not only did Laurel get married at 16 but she also got pregnant.

    Laurel’s husband, Richard, was often gone either working or in the Naval reserves.  With her family just a few miles away and her husband’s family a few blocks away, Laurel had a solid support system.  She remembers 1959 as a time when there were always friends and family around her.  Laurel’s sisters and brother were among her best friends.

    Laurel grew up in Downey, California where she met Richard.  When Laurel was 19 her father was killed while driving in the San Bernardino mountains.  It is easy to take mountain roads for granted and it is just as easy to forget how little visitors understand those mountain roads.  No one knows who went over the center yellow line but it was no contest between the truck and the little Triumph sports car that Laurel’s dad was in.  

    Laurel’s father was in the cabinet business along with his three other brothers.  The four of them had built three cabins in Crestline, Lake Arrowhead and Big Bear.  Laurel’s dad was on the way to a meeting with his brothers at their Lake Arrowhead cabin when the accident occurred.

    Laurel was too young to enter bars, but this is when the drinking started.

    After her father’s death, Laurel’s mom moved to the San Bernardino mountains where her husband had died.  She opened a sewing shop next to the Dime store in Blue Jay, CA.  Laurel, age 20, followed with Richard and their 3 babies.

    10 years into their marriage, Laurel and Richard were alcoholics.  Not only were they drinking heavily, they were also driving those same winding mountain roads that killed Laurel’s dad many years before.  Laurel said it was a miracle no one was hurt or killed.

    The drinking for Laurel and Richard had become a serious problem.  They just didn’t know it. When they were evicted for not paying their rent, they should have realized the depth of their problem.  But they didn’t.

    For more than a week they lived in their car by the lake.  It sounds like fun unless you have three kids and no place to live.  While the children remember it as a fun time at the lake, Laurel and Richard knew better.  Richard was able to get enough money for a hotel room off the hill.  He drove up the mountain every day to work and eventually they saved enough money to rent another home.

    Laurel and Richard had child number 4 but they continued drinking.  All four of Laurel and Richard’s children grew up making the same poor choices their parents did.

    It wasn’t until they became guardians of their granddaughter that they quit drinking.

    After 30 years of marriage, a life changing event was about to transform their lives.

    On their way home from a car show in Nevada, Laurel and Richard were arguing.  Laurel says it was an argument about nothing but she did not want to be with Richard and asked to be dropped off at Harvest church.  Laurel knew her kids would bring her home.  Richard was glad to get rid of her for a while.  Although she had never been to this church, the service intrigued Laurel.  It was not as stiff and formal as the church she remembered.

    When the Harvest crusade came, Laurel went with her kids.  The theme of the crusade was called Summer Harvest.  The first night of the crusade, Laurel came home happy.  That made Richard think Laurel was cheating on him, so he decided to go the next night.

    At the service the next night, Richard learned that Laurel wasn’t looking for another man.  Instead, he gave his life to Jesus Christ along with one of their daughters and her husband.

    Laurel resisted accepting this faith.  It took reading the bible and going to bible studies to understand that she could be born again; born of the Spirit, and have a personal relationship with the only Living God of the Universe.

    Once she accepted this knowledge, Laurel began to change.  As Laurel and Richard changed, so did their children.  Within a couple of months, each of their children gave their life to Christ.

    45 years into their marriage, Laurel’s husband, Richard was diagnosed with stage 4 Multiple Myeloma.  He was 67 years old.  Laurel had to quit working to take care of him.  The doctors said he only had 6 months to live.  God gave him 5 more years.  Laurel said those years were filled with bible studies every day and lots of time together.  Richard was the only man in her life and she loved him deeply.

    Life for Laurel and Richard encompassed 50 years.  They wanted to build a life and family together and that is what they did.  Though there were many poor and outright bad decisions, Laurel sees the hand of the God she now loves watching over her even when she didn’t know Him.  She sees that it was a living and loving God who protected them while they drove drunk on mountain roads.  It was that same God who provided for them when they didn’t have a place to stay.  And it was that same God who transformed their lives and the lives of their children.  It is still that same God who is transforming lives through the work of each of the children that the Lord gave to Laurel and her husband.

    Thirty years have passed since their transformation and more than 60 years since her marriage to Richard.  3 out of their 4 children serve in ministry.  Their oldest son is an associate pastor and has battled esophageal cancer.  Their two daughters each serve in ministry.  One of their daughters struggled with tumors and underwent surgery to remove them including one on her spine.  Because of the Covid Pandemic, her family could not be with her during surgery and recovery.  Their fourth child, a son, followed his dad’s footsteps into cabinetry and construction.  Each of them has a unique story.

    Do you want to know Laurel’s regrets?  We all have them.  She regrets more than 20 years of drinking.  She wishes she had been born again earlier in life.  Laurel also wishes that she had been a better mom.  Loving others more is another change she would make if she could.  Most of all, Laurel regrets not spending more time laughing with her husband, more time hugging and laying with him instead of worrying about cleaning, cooking, and fussing over dumb stuff.

    Laurel’s is a story worth telling because it is a story of an epic journey through life to eternity.  It is a story we all share.  The details may be different, but the struggle is the same.  It is the struggle of life lived out in good choices, bad choices, and the unknowns we all face.  Through it all is Jesus Christ witnessing of the life and wholeness He has to offer.

    This is Laurel’s story but your story is just as important.  You too are on an epic journey.  Jesus Christ is lighting the way for you.  Can you see Him?

  • Under These Circumstances

    Anne was born in 1866.  Her parents were Irish immigrants and settled near Boston.  When Anne was only 8 years old, her mother died.  Anne’s father felt that he couldn’t care for his children, so he sent his daughter and her younger brother to live at a poorhouse.  Three months after arriving, Anne’s brother died from the unsanitary conditions.

    Living with hundreds of other people forced Anne to focus on simply existing.  There was no learning or personal growth and no plans for a future.  Add to this that Anne had an eye disease which caused substantial vision loss meant Anne’s life could have been hopeless, but when she learned of schools for the blind, Anne asked to go to one and was granted permission.

    When Anne started school, she couldn’t read or write.  Her classmates were from wealthy families and didn’t struggle like Anne, but she worked hard and within two years caught up with her fellow students.

    Some people face adversity and thrive.  Others encounter that same hardship and struggle with defeat.  Anne came from a place of total loss.  She lost her mother, brother, home and a father who chose not to care for his children.  Working through the adversity was the only hope Anne had.

    Anne ultimately became valedictorian for her graduating class.  Not bad for a girl who struggled during some of her most important years.  We cannot minimize just how difficult those years were for Anne, but it was those years that were preparing Anne for her life’s work.  Because of the challenges she faced and eventually overcame she became a one-of-a-kind person.

    You see, Anne became the teacher for an uncontrollable, young blind girl named, Helen Keller.  It was Anne Sullivan’s determination, patience and creativity that helped her guide Helen into life.  And I will go so far as to say that there is no one else who could have done what Anne did.  It was the circumstances of Anne’s life that molded her into the person that Helen needed.

    We go about our lives with our eye’s laser-focused on ourselves and our daily routines and I fear we miss the true meaning of life.  Life is not about filling ourselves and building so much ease and comfort that we are not challenged.  We were meant to face difficulties because those struggles grow us, refine us, and make us useful in helping others.

    You were created to make a difference.  Although you may look like the people around you, there is no one like you.  You are unique just because of who you are and where you are.  There are moments of great need that only you can meet, although there is a good chance you will never know when you meet those needs.

    The person that you are is the one that God has spent time creating and shaping.  He didn’t make you so that you could look and act like someone else.  God created you to meet other people’s needs in His timing.  And I will let you in on a little secret.  Those needs of God that are so important to Him, are you and your needs.  Just as He made you to meet the needs of others, He created others to help meet your needs.

    You see, you and I are eternal beings.  And of all creations by God and Man, the only things that will last forever are you and I and the rest of our fellow eternal travelers.

    This one point is the reason it is so important for you to understand that Jesus Christ loves you and wants you to believe in Him.  It is believing that Jesus Christ came to the earth 2000 years ago as a baby in a manger, who died on a cross to save Mankind that will give you an eternal life filled with light, love, joy, peace, mercy, understanding and forgiveness.

    Believe in Jesus Christ and never forget that it is the circumstances of your life that fuels the story of your life.  And it is the story of your life that others will read and share when you are gone.

    The story of Anne Sullivan is from

  • It Was Always You

    It Was Always You

    She was born on January 7th, 2020, but her story starts many years before.  At 7 weeks premature, she weighed only 3 ½ pounds.  A month in the NICU would decide her fate; where she would live and who she would call mom and dad.  This little lady was a miracle and didn’t even know it.

    Each human life is an amazing miracle and deserves every letter of accolade and recognition, but this is not the miracle of her life that I am talking about.  She was a miracle because she was a gift to two people who realized they did not have the means to raise and care for her the way she deserved.  Her parents decided to give her up for adoption.  Her adoption and how it came together is the miracle.

    You might say that love would keep this new family together and that they could make it through life somehow.  Often, I would agree, but there are times when the chips of life are stacked against you in such a way that you know in your heart the best chance for that precious life is to give her up for adoption.

    Make no mistake.  Any decision to give your child up for adoption is an assault to the natural order of your heart.  It is a heart-wrenching decision that carries a crushing weight of pain that can’t be minimized.  Creation of a human being inside you is a God thing.  It is a taste of His power that He has given to women.  No mere mortal man will ever know what it is like to be so intimately joined to another being.  My heart goes out to anyone who has had to surrender their precious baby for any reason.

    On January 6th, Kelly, a mother of two, was praying and listening to worship music.  Her oldest would be 18 in a month and her youngest 14, two months later.  Much was on her heart this day as she contemplated the past year.

    As a young girl, Kelly wanted a big family and imagined having several children.  When marriage came, two children seemed to be the magic number for this young couple.  As the years passed, Kelly’s desire for more children grew.  Not because she didn’t love her two children, but because she did love them.  Kelly has a well-spring of love for children in her that would drown most of us.  Each of her children would grow up knowing that their mother loved them completely and unconditionally.  Both children were secure in their relationship with their mom.

    As Kelly’s desire for another child grew, so did the frequency of discussion for another child with her husband.  Growing up as a single child, her husband, Jonathan, was content with their two children and did not want to start over.  When Kelly approached the topic, it usually ended in tears and hard feelings.  As their kids aged though, Jonathan began to want another child as well.  Having had a vasectomy after their second child posed a problem for having a third child together.  When their son, Caleb, was 14 and their daughter, Kylee, was 10, Kelly and Jonathan sought medical help and reversed his vasectomy.

    It became apparent the following year, that the reversal had not worked.

    I have found that there is a timing for certain seasons of our lives.  Our heart and mind often need time to grow and meet together in that secret place inside each of us.  Sometimes we need a little nudge to bridge the gap.  A little nudge is just what Kelly received.

    In August 2018, Caleb, who played the drums for their church band, came home one day after he had been spending time with the church band leader and his wife, who had a new baby.  He told his mother that he had been able to hold their new baby.  Caleb then asked his mother if she had ever considered adopting a child.

    Once, many years before, the idea of adopting a child had been suggested.  Kelly dismissed the idea.  Her dream and the desire of her heart was to have another child with her husband.

    When Caleb posed this question to his mother, he had no way of knowing that at church that morning, the Lord had spoken to his mother.  Kelly heard clearly, “You need to be open to adoption.”  These were words of thought that came from no will or intention of her own.  In her heart, she was surprised and thought, “What?  No!”  Her first instinct was that she didn’t want to adopt.  Her second thought was, did I really just hear that?  She heard the words again and thoughtfully considered them.

    Kelly said nothing to her son about her experience that morning.  Nor did she say anything about it for the next two weeks.  Her husband had been away and they had not had a chance to talk much while he was gone.  When he returned, they had an opportunity to catch up.  In their conversation, Jonathan told Kelly that he had been working with someone who was adopting two little girls with his wife.  He suggested that maybe they could adopt a child.  To his surprise, Kelly burst into tears.

    Thinking he had said something wrong, Jonathan asked if she was ok.  Kelly told Jonathan how the Lord had spoken to her at church.  She also shared the question Caleb had asked her about adopting a child, and now he was asking the same thing.  The topic of adoption had never been seriously discussed and now within two weeks there were three people telling Kelly to consider adoption.

    Old desires were replaced with hope and a new desire to adopt a child that needed them.  Six months later, Kelly and Jonathan had finished all their paperwork and home visits, and were finally certified to adopt a child.  With one catch.  They could not approach any pregnant woman to say they would be willing to adopt her unborn child.  Instead, they would have to spread the word through family, friends, church, social media and any other resources available to let the world at large know their intentions.

    Kelly and Jonathan made booklets of their family which contained photos and family bios.  This was an expensive undertaking but allowed them to share who they were and why they wanted to adopt a child.  These were distributed to organizations like Idaho Youth Ranch and others who worked with pregnant mothers.  They felt confident that God would bring a child into their home to become part of their family.  With an unexpected gift of a crib and changing table, it looked like the Lord was confirming their decision to adopt.

    As they waited for a call to adopt a child, what seemed so sure in the beginning began to fade.  Kelly began to wonder if the Lord had really spoken to her.  Several months passed and no child came.  Kelly struggled with discouragement.  If adoption was from the Lord, wouldn’t a door have opened by now?  She had wanted another child for so long and now that she was getting older, she was beginning to wonder if she could physically hold up to the rigors of raising a child.  How long do you hold on to a dream you have had since childhood?

    Eventually, the discouragement passed and acceptance began to settle in Kelly’s heart.  Ironically, what had been a dream that Kelly carried alone, now became important to Jonathan.  He had increasingly been burdened with the desire to help children who needed it.  By Christmas, 2019, Jonathan was overwhelmed with yearning to help a child in need.  If adoption was not possible, perhaps fostering children was.  After sharing his feelings with Kelly, the two decided to look into being foster parents.

    Between Christmas and New Year’s, Kelly began praying about who could use the crib and changing table they had been given.  The crib and changing table had been wrapped up neatly for almost a year, waiting for the day a baby came home.  Since it looked like that was not happening, Kelly realized those things should be given to someone who could use them.

    On January 6th 2020, as Kelly was worshiping, she was considering the transformation of her dream from having a baby, to adopting a baby and now the idea of fostering older children.  She had surrendered her heart’s desire for another baby and was at peace, but still had the crib and changing table to give away.  In her prayer, she asked the Lord for direction and what she should do about fostering a child.

    Bare moments later, the Matthew West song “Do Something” came on.  If you have never heard the song, the central character is complaining to God about all of the wrongs that he sees; “people living in poverty, children sold into slavery and wondering when there will be an end to all this pain.”  He asks God, “Why don’t You do something?”

    God’s response is, “I did.  I created you.”

    The timing of the song was perfect and brought Kelly to tears and with it, the knowledge that she was on the right path.  That evening, Kelly spoke with her dad and told him the ship had sailed on the idea of adoption.  She said she was ready to move on and that they were looking into fostering children. She and Jonathan had an appointment on January 8th, 2020, to take the next step in becoming foster parents.

    The evening of January 7th, Kelly received a text telling her there was a baby girl in need of a home and asking if she and Jonathan were still interested in adopting a child.  The emotional rollercoaster began immediately.

    At first, Kelly was unsure.  She had already decided the idea of adoption was behind her.  Now she had to consider it again.  Kelly and Jonathan’s first steps into the life of this baby girl were cautious.  As they learned more, they grew closer to this tiny life.

    From the start, everything seemed to be moving forward, but problems arose because this tiny being was now a ward of the State with a shelter order in place.  Since Kelly and Jonathan were certified for private adoption only, they would not be able to adopt her.  The only other avenue to adopt was to be certified foster parents, which they were not.  To become foster parents would take 6-8 weeks, but by that time, this little baby would be sent to an existing foster home.  Just when they had accepted the idea of a new addition to their home, they were told the adoption would not be possible.  It was a confusing blow.

    Three grueling weeks passed.  Each day was an emotional ride.  One day was up when they were being told the adoption would happen.  The next day was down when they were told it could not happen.  Every day they were talking with either the hospital staff, social workers or attorneys.  In all this time, Kelly was not allowed to see this little girl because of the shelter order placed by the State. 

    Kelly and Jonathan were finally told there was no way to adopt outside of the state system.  This had never happened in the state system before and there were no protocols to follow to allow this adoption to take place.  Kelly and Jonathan were told that a foster family was ready to receive this new life.

    Kelly had grown to love this baby girl even though she had not been allowed to see or hold her.  Her fears were that she would go to a foster family only to be lost in the system.  It was incomprehensible that they were so close only to be told no.  It was unfortunate, but the State’s primary concern was for the welfare and safety of the child and they would have to follow the State’s rules.

    Kelly and Jonathan spoke with their attorney, who in turn spoke with the state attorney general who stepped in to help.  The attorney general had already heard about this family who wanted to adopt a premature baby.  Working with the courts and both sets of parents, the attorney general accomplished something that had never been done.

    The attorney general facilitated an emergency court meeting to drop the shelter order that made this infant child a ward of the state.  This allowed Kelly and Jonathan to become legal guardians.  On January 30th, 2020, Kelly’s dream came true and she was allowed to hold that dream in the form of a premature and fragile little girl.

    By January 31st, Kelly’s bags were packed and she spent the next two days in the NICU with her new daughter, learning her care program and discovering who this little person was.  Although the shelter order would not be officially lifted until court on Monday, hospital social workers communicated with state social workers to allow Kelly the time she needed to prepare her for the baby’s discharge by the coming Monday.   It wasn’t until the evening of February 2nd, that Jonathan was able to meet her.

    On the evening of Monday, February 3rd, after the emergency court meeting and two more court hearings in one very long day, Kelly and Jonathan brought their new baby girl home.

    When it became clear that Kelly and Jonathan would become the new parents, the baby’s name started being discussed.  The birth-mother had named her, Raven.  Kelly wanted to be sensitive to Raven’s mother and her choice of a name, but was hoping for something that reflected the gift that this little girl truly was.

    Jonathan came up with the name Raylynn Kelly in place of Raven.  He thought Raylynn sounded like, Raven.  Also, Lynn was the middle name of both mothers.  The two women were a Kelly Lynn and a Lynn Kelly.  Each spelled their middle name the same.  Kelly liked the name Hope for a middle name because she saw so much hope.  There was hope for Raven’s parents to manage their struggles, hope for Raven to be given a life that her parents desired for her and hope for Kelly and Jonathan to love another child.

    The two mothers discussed Raven’s name.  The birth-mother liked the new name, Raylynn Hope.  When the birth- father learned of Raylynn’s new name, he said that Raylynn was his oldest daughter and his sister’s middle name.  The coincidence was amazing, but Kelly realized that it was more than coincidence.  It was the signature of Jesus Christ revealing that He was in complete control of each life represented.

    One last event sealed the gift of this miracle.

    The attorney fees were climbing for Kelly and Jonathan.  They would handle the expense but it was a burden that would make life more difficult.  Over two years before, Kelly’s blood-father passed away leaving money to his two daughters and widowed wife.  The estate should have been settled over a year and a half earlier, but problems prevented it from being resolved.  As Kelly and Jonathan brought home their new daughter, Kelly’s late-father’s estate settled and provided them all of the money to pay off their attorney fees.

    The timing of the adoption, care for all parties involved and all expenses were taken care of completely.  If you look at the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, you will find the life of Jesus Christ and in every circumstance, Jesus took care of everyone and covered all of the expenses.  Some examples are; feeding the 5000 (Luke 9:10-18 NIV), feeding the 4000 (Mark 8:1-9 NASB) and Peter and the two-drachma tax (Matthew 17:24-27 NASB).

    As Kelly’s heart turned towards the heart of this tiny life, love welled up and threatened to overcome her.  In her own words, Kelly could not imagine loving so much.

    Several months passed before the adoption was complete.  On the day of the last court hearing, Kelly and Jonathan’s attorney told them that if Raylynn had been delivered at her due date, Kelly and Jonathan would never have been able to adopt her.  The courts had been closed due to COVID-19.  Raylynn would have gone into the foster care system. It was truly a miracle divine.

    From the beginning of a heart’s desire to its fulfillment could be many years.  We see through a mirror dimly, but God sees clearly around every corner and crevice of time.  Kelly’s journey taught her that God sees every heart and He hears every prayer.  She has learned that some dreams are worth waiting for.  Now, when she looks at her daughter and remembers her heart’s desire, she can say, it was always you.

    Have you ever had a miracle in your life?  Would you describe it as an event or circumstance that was so extraordinary it was almost impossible to believe?  There are times that we seem to be led to a dead-end of our reasoning only to discover there was an answer or solution hiding in the darkness of our understanding.  It was an answer so preposterous that nothing would allow us to believe it could actually happen.  When the impossible does happen, what do you do?  Who gets the credit?  Do you write it off as coincidence or do you look for the source of the miracle?  A miracle is divine in origin and should be proof of the existence of God.  If you doubt that, then how many coincidences does it take before it is a miracle?

  • There Will Be a Day

    There will be a day when the righteous shine forth, when all that we have learned will not be held back.

    There will be a day when we shine like the sun in the kingdom of our Father and never have to hide our faith again.

    There will be a day when we can rest from our labors, when the hidden treasure will be redeemed.

    There will be a day when the voice we have heard in the quiet place will speak with us face to face,

    But it is not today.

    Today we must remember the Word, book, chapter, and verse.

    Today we must remember the truths we have learned through sleepless nights and diligent seeking.

    Today we must remember our past and the mighty deeds of God which changed the course of our lives.

    Today we must remember the lost and understand their need.

    For it was not so long ago that we stood in their shoes.

    It was not so long ago that we clung to their beliefs.

    It was not so long ago that we could not fathom faith and the eyes of our heart were dim with blindness.

    It was not so long ago that we did not understand, that peace, love, and life were found in One place.

    There will be a day when the blinded heart will say, too late!

    There will be a day when regrets gnaw the heart and the pain can’t be soothed.

    There will be a day when darkness can never be lifted again.

    There will be a day when the lost cannot be found and will be gone forever.

    So, while it is still called today, be patient with others.

    While it is still called today, be understanding of others.

    While it is still called today, be forgiving of others.

    While it is still called today, love others, showing them what you have learned,

    Through a life set as example for all to see.

    Through a life that shines as a lamp upon a hill.

    Through a life dedicated to the One who saved us.

    Through a life forged in the Refiner’s fire.

    There will be a day when the righteous shine forth, when all that we have learned will not be held back.

    There will be a day when we shine like the sun in the kingdom of our Father and we never have to hide our faith again.

    There will be a day when we can rest from our labors, when the hidden treasure will be redeemed.

    There will be a day when the voice we have heard in the quiet place will speak with us face to face,

    But let’s not go alone.

  • What a Mother Leaves Behind

    What a Mother Leaves Behind

    Donna’s Story

    She died, if only for a few moments.  When Donna woke up, the nurse was poking the bottom of her foot with a needle and anxiously saying, “Donna, come back to us!”

    Donna was in the hospital for a complicated surgery.  It was the umpteenth trip and infection was becoming a serious problem.

    Before coming back to the awareness of her body that day, Donna was physically unconscious due to the anesthesia but her subconscious mind was still experiencing and she found herself crouched in a long dark hallway.  Someone above called her name, but she was too tired to respond.  At the very end of the hall, was a light, but she had no strength to walk the distance to it.

    Moments later, the darkness melted away into golden daylight.  Vibrant colors filled her eyes and peace engulfed her.  She heard two women talking as they were walking by.  Donna looked at them and they in turn, stopped and looked at her.  Their brief glances exchanged, Donna returned to her physical body and consciousness.

    We Almost Lost Her that Day

    I was a teenager when my mother suffered complications due to her hysterectomy.  It was years later that I learned we almost lost her that day.

    As of this writing, I am blessed to say that my mother is still on this side of the veil.  She is 84 going on 85 and though the years have taken a toll on her body, her spirit is still strong and undiminished.  This is as good a time as any to reflect on what my mother has taught me.

    I won’t bore you with the details of learning to eat everything on my plate or washing the dishes after dinner, or doing my homework and mowing the lawn every Saturday.  Every soul has stories about the mechanics of growing up.  But it is the ability to look beyond my physical world that my mother has given me that I want to share.

    All my life, my mother, Donna, has taught me to see the evidences of the world we don’t see.  The unseen world is the realm that will be visible when this mortal life is over.  You see, we are all eternal beings on a journey.  We are connected to this world by our physical body but when that connection is done, then we will see the next life.  This is what happened to my mother in the hospital during her surgery.

    There are evidences of the next life that can be seen but it takes time to learn them because too often they are written off as a coincidence or just plain ignored because we don’t understand their meaning.

    I will share another of my mother’s examples.

    Donna Always Had Pen and Paper

    She was 15 and very sick.  The pneumonia wasn’t life-threatening but did keep her in bed while she recovered.

    Donna missed being at school. She wrote for the high school newspaper and enjoyed the time with her friends.  No matter how sick she felt though, Donna always had pen and paper by her bed.  Thoughts are perishable and she never missed an opportunity to save them.  Ask any writer and they will tell you that they don’t always know where the words come from, but when they do, if they are special, then a writer does not want to lose them.

    That pen and paper worked on this night.  It was the worst of her illness when she woke up in the middle of the night with words going through her head.  The words that came to Donna on this night were very special.  Even if she could not understand their meaning, Donna wasted no time in writing them down.

    Speak to Me

    This is what she wrote down.

    “Speak to me, not with conventional words, but with thine eyes convey the thought.  Suffer not thy lips to utter forgotten speech, thy heart and mind and soul are far easier to believe, for words are a gift too often carelessly used, so, sprinkle them wisely o’er Life’s traversed road ‘til through its many turns and heights, we find ourselves at the very end where there is nothing, save Time and Space – A great, black void where hangs the soul, where words shall fail and Peace shall prove its worth.”

    That was 1953.  As a teenager, Donna didn’t have the understanding it took to fathom their meaning.  Now, at the other end of life, she understands those words better but still ponders their depths.

    Clearly, the words she wrote down that night were not of this world.  They are from and pertain to the world we don’t see.  Maybe you haven’t considered that world.  You are not alone.  Most people are so focused on just getting through the day that they don’t consider what will happen when this life is over.

    There are more evidences of the world we don’t see.  The question is whether we will believe these testimonies when they happen.

    Alone in Darkness

    An experience in my own life is reflected in the words my mother wrote.  I work in retail and often have more than 2000 people a day come through our doors, so I have met a lot of people.

    One of my customers shared the story that he died and came back to life.  When he died, it was dark and there was nothingness.  I didn’t share my experiences and never asked to hear his story.  What he told me was not prompted by anything on my part.  My customer said that the hospital recorded the event.

    The disturbing part of his story though, was that for him, death was a dark place.  There was no light at the end of a tunnel, no green grass, blue sky, or colors of any kind.  There were also no people.  He was alone in darkness.

    In my conversation with this man, no word was shared about a faith in God or Jesus Christ.  That idea seemed to be the furthest thing from his mind.  That is his choice.  To each his own as they say.  I think though, that if there is life beyond this physical life, that we should consider it with all our heart.

    No One Like Her

    When I put together words written 70 years ago with a man’s testimony in the present time, then I must conclude there is deep truth in words given to a sick teenager.  I am grateful that my mother has taught me to see evidences of the unseen world.  It has made my own journey of faith in Jesus Christ a deeper one.

    Mothers are a special gift from God.  I have friends who have lost their mother and friends whose mothers are still here.  Either way, take a moment today to reflect on your mother and the good things she has taught you.  There is without a doubt, no one like her in your life.

  • What Would the World Be Like Without You?

    What Would the World Be Like Without You?

    “Remember, no man is a failure who has friends.”

    Clarence the angel “It’s a Wonderful Life”, Frank Capra, based on the short story “The Greatest Gift”, Philip Van Doran Stern.

    One of my favorite Christmas stories is “It’s a Wonderful Life”, which features Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed plus an excellent cast.  It tells the story of a young man whose sacrifices epitomized his life.

    The story opens with George Bailey as a boy, playing with his brother and friends.  Winter weather turned an ordinary hill into a great place to sled and an opportunity for boys to expend their energy.

    When George’s younger brother, Harry, breaks through the ice on his sled run and falls into the freezing water, the boys make a chain to rescue him.  George fell in the water with his brother, but in the end, Harry was rescued and everyone was safe.  George lost his hearing in one ear from his effort, but that was a small consequence compared to saving Harry.

    Confronted Once Again

    Back at work as a soda jerk, George is confronted once again with a choice to step in and do what is right.  When his boss, Mr. Gower, the pharmacist, learns his son has been killed, he drinks heavily, numbing the pain, but continues filling prescriptions.

    In his distressed physical and emotional state, Mr. Gower, accidentally fills a prescription for a child with poison, instead of the medicine that was needed.  George catches the mistake but suffers the wrath of a drunken, Mr. Gower, until he is able to explain the problem.

    Life is What Happens While You Are Busy Making Plans

    You have heard that life is what happens while you are busy making plans?  I think George Bailey must have started that saying.  All through his life, George sacrifices his own plans to do what is right for others.

    George wanted to leave the little town he lived in, go to college and travel the world.  When his father, who owns and runs the Bailey Building and Loan, passes away unexpectedly, George postpones his dream of leaving.  Giving the money he had saved for college to his brother, Harry, George hopes to settle the business and leave when his brother graduates and comes home to take over.

    That plan too, is thwarted as Harry comes home with a new wife and amazing work opportunity from his father-in-law.

    Breaking Point

    The frustrated young man finally marries a childhood friend, but as they prepare to leave on their honeymoon, a financial collapse and run on the bank forces George to stay and take care of business which included using all of the money he had saved for his honeymoon.

    It isn’t until a substantial amount of the Building and Loan’s money is lost, that George hits his breaking point.  Certain that financial ruin, prison time and the ensuing scandal would ruin his family, George goes on a binge and begins to think that life is hopeless.

    Worth More Dead Than Alive

    Seeking out his nemesis, the miserly Mr. Potter, magnificently played by Lionel Barrymore, his plea for help is rejected, then observed that George is worth more dead than alive.  That thought drives troubled George Bailey, to the bridge overlooking the icy water below, pondering the thought of jumping to his death and throwing his life away.

    It is at this point that Clarence the angel, arrives to rescue George.  He jumps in the water before George can.  You see, Clarence knew that George cared too much for other people.  He had watched George’s life unfold and knew that if George saw a person in trouble, he would do everything in his power to help.  So, Clarence jumped in the water first, to give George a reason to live.

    Once both men were out of the water, it was clear that despair had a hold on George.  The kindly angel, Clarence, ponders what solution might benefit the troubled young man.

    Clarence’s Hope

    His solution?  Give George a chance to see what the world would be like as if he had never been born.  It was Clarence’s hope that George would begin to see how important he was to the people around him.

    At first, George was slow to believe that what was happening to him was real, but one by one, the changes could not be denied.  When all of his family and friends deny knowing him, it is too much for George.  He is ready to go back to his life no matter the consequences.

    Fortunately for George, everything works out.  He returns to his family and faces the crisis, but the community and his friends come to aid George in his trial and raise enough money to save him from being arrested.

    A Question That Each of Us can Ponder

    “It’s a Wonderful Life” is just a story, but it is a good story.  And it poses a question that each of us can ponder.  What would the world be like without you?

    The voice of the world and the enemy of all mankind might tell you that you are worth more dead than alive.  It might also tell you that the world would be better off without you.  You might hear that you aren’t valuable.  But that just wouldn’t be true.

    Each person inherently has the ability to make a difference.  Think about it.  Have you ever made someone smile or laugh or just feel good?  Have you ever helped someone in a tight spot?  How about simply taking the time to listen to another?

    A Deep Need to Connect With Other Human Beings

    Years ago, I worked as a volunteer in children’s ministry and I learned that kids spell the world, love, T-I-M-E.  Even as adults, we still value the time people spend with us.  It is the sacrifice of time we make that fills the need for relational connection.  Each of us has been created with a deep need to connect with other human beings.

    Of course, we will never know the real impact we have had on the world around us.  But, if I use the story of George Bailey as a guide, then I begin to understand that the impact each person makes is greater than we could ever realize.

    To bring my point home, it’s not about making a tally of all of your accomplishments with your fellow human beings, but it is a reminder that you are unique and irreplaceable.  There is no one like you and your fellow eternal travelers would be worse off without you.

  • One Nice Thing

    One Nice Thing

    “I have always thought of Christmas Time, as a good time; a kind, forgiving, charitable, pleasant time; the only time I know of, in the long calendar of the year, when men and women seem by one consent to open their shut-up hearts freely, and to think of people as if they really were fellow-passengers to the grave, and not another race of creatures bound on other journeys.”

    Fred Holywell “A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens

    It has been said that the older we get, the faster life moves.  For my part, I have found that to be true.  In fact, life is so busy, I am very often forced to focus on what is before me.  It is the only way I am able to get everything taken care of.

    The problem with our fast-paced lives is that we forget the lives around us.  Others become a pool of faces we either recognize or not, but take for granted that they are important and valuable people.  Let me be blunt.  In the search to care for ourselves, it is too easy to quit caring about others.

    The holidays are a great time to stop and remember how special the people in your life are to you.  The following activity is a great way to connect with family and friends and let them know they mean something to you.

    Your goal is for everyone in your group to write one nice thing about each of the others in your group.  The comments are anonymous and can be presented in any form that suits your event.

    For my family’s event, I started over a month before Christmas.  I gave each person a list of names and asked them to write one nice thing about everyone listed, except themselves of course.  Then I took all of the lists and grouped the comments by name.  For each person, I found a beautiful font and printed their name at the top of the paper.  Below their name I put the meaning of their name and the comments were listed below.

    When the sheets were passed out on Christmas Day, it was a simple but beautiful gift.

    Below are some samples of what you can do.


    A Hebrew name meaning Woman Worthy of Praise and is short for Judith.

    Judy is very sensitive and loving. She is also very crafty and talented. She is always true to her feelings, no matter what they are.

    Grammy lets me help her bake cookies, muffins, and cupcakes. Grammy lets me have some stuff from Great Grandma.

    She is bold and beautiful. She can speak her mind. Her confidence is strength. She is someone you can trust.

    Grammy always makes macaroni and cheese and lets me play on the computer. She makes funny faces.

    She makes me laugh with her adult humor and is very loving and sensitive.

    She is very organized.

    Judy is a very caring person. She is always putting others first. She’s a giver!

    Judy is the perfect home maker, she keeps an immaculate home and she’s also a very creative and artistic person, but most important, she took such great care of our mom after Dad was gone, and for that I will always be grateful.


    An Irish name meaning Warrior Defender.

    Kelly is a very dedicated and wonderful mother to her children.  She not only takes very good care of their physical needs, but shows them unconditional love and tries her best to be a Godly example to them.

    My Mom comforts me when I don’t feel good.  My Mom makes me feel safe when I am scared.  She likes to color with me.

    She pays attention to detail and follows through with her obligations and the activities she undertakes.  She has a big heart and is generous to a fault.  She is a dedicated wife and mother.

    My Mom is cuddly and she likes to play board games.  My Mom keeps us healthy.  My Mom makes me feel safe.

    She is fun, sensitive, sweet and goes the distance for the family.  She is very passionate about things.

    She is a good homemaker and very organized.  She loves her home.

    Kelly always says kind things.  She is an amazing mother but most of all she is like the sister I always wanted.  She is always easy to get along with.  She keeps me laughing.

    She is a nice person and always loads of fun to be around!  An amazing mother!

    Kelly always seems very happy and friendly, has a great attitude and is also very sincere.  She’s raising two of the best-behaved children I’ve ever seen and makes it look so easy.  She’s a great mother and wife, and she’s always comfortable to be around.


    A Hebrew name meaning Gracious.

    Jonathan is a very responsible, dedicated and loving father, husband and provider for his family.  He has always taken these roles with utmost dedication.

    He has a great sense of humor.  He also has a tremendous amount of love for his family.  He is a hard worker and a committed husband.

    My Dad plays with me and flies me in the air on his feet.  My Dad is the goofiest person I know.  I like my dad’s mustache.

    Jonathan is a man who is sure of himself and can lead his family confidently and securely.  He makes decisions wisely and has a clear sense of the “right” path.

    My dad and I have a lot of hobbies together.  I like to spend time outside with my dad.  I also think my dad is funny.

    Nice mustache.

    He makes good decisions and choices and sticks with them.  He takes good care of his property.

    Jonathan is such a goofball, never a dull moment with him.  He makes me feel a part of the family!

    Jonathan is always full of laughter.  He keeps me on my toes.  I’m glad he married into the family so I wasn’t alone with all these girls!!  Lol

    Jonathan is very ambitious in his career.  He always seems to be taking a test or class to keep moving up the ladder and I’m very impressed with what he’s accomplished and continues to achieve.  He’s also a great husband and father.


    A Hebrew name meaning Faithful and Brave.

    Caleb is an extremely intelligent, caring, talented and honest young man.  He is also a very loving brother to his little sister.

    He has a kind heart, and truly cares about other people’s feelings.  He is sensitive, creative, and intelligent.  He has a desire to know Christ on a personal level.

    He lets me watch movies in his room.  He makes me laugh.  He is a good drummer.

    Caleb is quick to laugh and always ready with a joke.  He is sensitive (his heart is touched easily), sincere (he honestly cares about others), and passionate (he always “gets in to” the things he really likes.

    He likes to have fun outside with me and is very good-hearted.  He is a smart kid and good at everything he tries.

    He is a good imitator in playing characters, versatile and likes to play.  He is fun to be around.

    Caleb is such a smart and handsome young man.  He is very caring and thoughtful.  He is very patient with his little sister!

    Caleb is a well-behaved kid.  He has an awesome heart and will grow up to make his parents proud!

    Caleb is such a good boy it makes me want to corrupt him a little with a fart machine.  I’ve never seen Caleb do anything wrong, so I’m going to give him some ideas.  Seriously, Caleb is incredibly smart, he’s such a great kid, and his parents must be so proud.


    An Australian and Irish name meaning Pretty.

    Kylee is a gentle and loving young lady.  She is smart, brave, has good manners, and is nice to everyone.

    She is very strong-willed and knows just what she wants.  She has a very sweet and cuddly side to her that is irresistible.

    Kylee is gentle and sweet and full of the light of love.

    She has a funny laugh and says funny things.  She is really good at coloring.

    She is super silly, hot tempered and very cute.

    She likes to play dolls and play house.  She likes to be held.  She likes to dance.

    Kylee is an angel!  She is always full of love just like her mother!  She is an amazing young lady who will grow into an even more amazing woman!

    Kylee is a cute little munchkin!  I couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful, thoughtful and delightful niece.

    Kylee is such a sweet girl; she’ll be your best friend in ten minutes.  She’s very smart, like her brother and she’s fun to talk to.  I always look forward to seeing her.


    A Greek name meaning Masculine and is short for Andrew meaning Manly and Brave.

    Andy is a hard-working, caring, and honest young man with a good sense of responsibility.  He is well-liked by many people.

    He is funny and carefree at times, yet other times very serious and heartfelt.  Everywhere he goes, he makes people laugh.

    My Uncle Andy is funny.  He is really tall and handsome.

    He is sincere and thoughtful and has a heart so big he has yet to understand its depths.  He thinks of others and is a man who has taken responsibility for himself.

    Uncle Andy does crazy dances and says weird things that make me laugh so hard I can’t breathe.

    He is a funny character.

    He speaks his mind; he is outspoken in a good way.

    Besides the fact that I’m utterly in love with him, there isn’t a mean thing to say about him.  He treats me like a queen and more!  I couldn’t ask to be in love with someone that is more amazing than my Andrew!

    I’ve always liked Andy, but there was a time long ago when I wasn’t so sure how he’d do in the real world.  I have to say I’m very impressed with how Andy’s turned out.  He’s hard working, responsible and I’m very proud of him.  He’ll have to get back to the river with us.


    A Danish form of the name Karen meaning Loving.

    Caryn is a warm, likeable, beautiful and bright young lady who is extremely easy and fun to be around.

    Besides being mature and intelligent, Caryn is a dedicated and supportive person.  She is a young woman of real worth.

    She is very sweet and sensitive, yet strong and can hold her own.  She is also very pretty.  She can be funny as well.

    She is pretty and fun.  She tells me sweet things.  I think she should marry my Uncle Andy.

    She is nice and always gives me encouragement.  She is fun to play Wii with.  I like her dark hair.

    She is nice, easy going and likes to give Andy a hard time.

    Caryn is ambitious.  She is a very loving and all-around fun girl.

    I don’t know Caryn that well, but she seems ambitious with her hair styling business.  She always seems happy, friendly and she’s good to Andy.  We had a great time with her at the river, so we’re also looking forward for her to come back.


    A Hebrew name meaning Loved is short for David meaning Beloved.

    Dave is a hard-working, sensitive, loving and generous man who deserves more time to enjoy life.  He has always had a great sense of humor, and although when we were kids it was a bit annoying, as we grew up, he was fun to be around.  He’s accomplished a lot in his life, but more than that he has a sincere heart.  I wouldn’t want anyone else for my brother.  I love him dearly.

    He is a hard worker with an easy going, sincere personality.  He is enjoyable company.  He’s always been more than generous with my family and we appreciate him probably more than he knows.

    He is really tall and drives cool cars.  He always says nice things to me.

    He makes peace easily.  He is kind and generous.  A real family man and a good business man like his father (He was proud of you and would be proud of you now.).

    Uncle Dave is cool and easy-going.  He is easy to talk to.  He is fun too!

    He is a cool guy that is easy to talk to and is hard-working.  He is good to my family.  I’ve always liked Dave.

    He always made me feel comfortable.  He is very ambitious in all that he does and I admire him!

    Dave does a lot of cool stuff.  He always makes sure people have a good time.  He is a good uncle and has done a lot of really nice things for me.  I always have a great time when I’m with him.


    An English name meaning Wealthy Leader.

    Richard is a caring, sincere Christian man who has been a source of spiritual guidance and support to others.  He also has the gift of empathy.

    He always sees the good in everyone before anything else.  He shows much compassion and always gives grace to others.

    He taught me how to play baseball.  He does puzzles with me.  He is funny.

    He loves our Lord Jesus and is not afraid to let others know it.  He is easy to talk with and always a “warm” person.  I have never seen him upset or take offense at a wrong done to him.  He is a true witness of Christ.

    Grandpa Richard has a lot of fun stuff for me to play with at his house.  He likes to tell funny stories.  He is goofy.

    He looks for the best in everyone and everything.  He is fun and outgoing and goes all-out.  He loves to talk about Jesus.

    Richard is such an amazing person.  He always has a wonderful story to tell me and I always look forward to them!  I love that he always has something new and exciting to tell me.

    He always has something nice to say!  He is full of amazing stories!

    Richard has always been friendly to me and he frequently visited my mom which I thought was very nice.  I don’t know Richard that well, but just knowing that about him makes me think he’s a great guy with a big heart.

    I may not know you, but I do know that you are unique and special because God created you.

    Have a beautiful and amazing holiday season!  May the Lord bless you and fill you with good things. 

  • The Sign of the Cross

    The Sign of the Cross

    It said, Ride On, Rest in Peace.  A simple wooden cross, stuck in the dirt on the side of the road marked the passing of a life from this world to the next.  What a modest way to say this person has taken the next step in their journey through eternity.  It is a journey so many have taken but so few are willing to consider.

    The Passing of Life is Holy Ground

    We look at a cross and see it as a symbol of death. The cemetery is a grim reminder of our view of the cross.  It is a sign that someone’s life is over.  Our immediate thought is about how they died and the family and friends they left behind.  It doesn’t take long to start thinking about our own mortality and what we would leave behind.  If you are like me, you may even wonder about the life to death process.

    Almost 150,000 people die per day worldwide.  The impact of a loss reflects the depth of our relationship.  You may read the obituaries and not be moved at all by a person’s passing.  You didn’t know them, so why should you be touched?  But what if you see the obituary of a friend on the paper before you?  How would that make you feel?  It is generally accepted that our parents will die before us, so composing their obituary may be very moving.  And God forbid, what if your child passes before you?  Then you would know the depth of pain that is shared by those who live outside the normal order of things.  The pain of death connects those who have shared it.

    When death touches us, we are reminded that the passing of a loved one is a special event.  Relationships captured in photos, videos and untold memories of days gone by flood our minds and fill our hearts.  It is a time to reflect on the best of our relationship and sometimes the worst of the one we lost.  It is a time to consider whether the worst was really that bad.

    Death is one of the few times we are closest to seeing past the veil of this life.  The closer you get to death, the more you realize what is important.

    Just as the well of love that God has given us has no earthly bottom, so too can our grief be.  A child mourns the passing of a parent for years.  A man marks the death of a best friend on each anniversary of his death and on his birthday.  A parent suffers the pain of losing a child and carries that wound like they are holding their baby child.  The passing of life is holy ground.

    Symbol of Life

    While we see a cross as a symbol of death, God sees it as a symbol of life.  We cling to life as if there is no tomorrow, but God has made a way for us to live forever with Him.  God has a way of turning our perspective of death around and forcing us to see it from a different angle.  He took our symbol of death and made it a symbol of life.

    You know Jesus Christ and His story.  It is the story that rises above the rest.  It is the story of His birth, life, death and resurrection.  Every December 25th, you celebrate His birth and every Easter you celebrate His resurrection.  His is the story of true life.  It is a reminder of the love that God has for you and the life He has waiting for you by simply believing in Him.

    The apostle, Paul, was a sinner and violent aggressor, yet the Lord used him to demonstrate His perfect patience towards sinners so that they might be saved.  Taken from 1 Timothy 13-16.   In the same way, the Lord uses each one of us to demonstrate His patience towards sinners, because He desires ALL Men to be Saved and come to the knowledge of the Truth.  He wants to save everyone from eternal destruction and separation from Him.  In Heaven, He will wipe away every tear.  There will be no more sorrow and no more pain because the former things will have passed away.  We will live forever in joy, peace and inexpressible happiness on the day our veil is removed, if we have made a choice to believe that Jesus Christ is who He says He is.  He is, the Great Redeemer, Wonderful Counselor and Prince of Peace.  Don’t let disbelief cloud your choice.

    We are the Family of Man

    This life connects us and weaves our stories together.  Death finalizes our story and passes it on to the next generation, but death does not need to end that connection.  God made us Eternal Beings and meant for us to keep our relationships forever.  And we can, in Heaven.  We will know each other forever, but in that place those relationships will be drenched in peace and harmony.  It will be the best of times.

    Are there people that have made a difference in your life?  Perhaps someone in your childhood who shared a special bond with you?  If their journey took them from this world before you, then know that they aren’t gone forever.  They are simply waiting on the other side for you.

    There is an hour for each of us to die.  Do not be afraid of that hour, because it is what you have been created for.  Not to dwell here on this world forever, but to learn, to grow, to build family, friendships and earthly connections that will continue into eternity.  You were born to be eternal.  You were made an eternal being.  You are eternal.  The sign of the Cross says it is so.